Dr. Bill Thierfelder knows what it takes to win. As a student at the University of Maryland he dominated the high jump, winning fame as an All-American and Irish national champion. Later he earned his doctorate in sports psychology. He became a private coach and mentor to the world’s top athletes…and revealed to them his hard won secrets for success.
Rule of St. Benedict was written in the sixth century by the father of monastic life, St Benedict himself. It towers in the great tradition of Christian Monasticism. Its leading characteristics are its wonderful discretion, moderation, and keen insight into the capabilities and weaknesses of human nature. Here is a common sense approach to arranging life so that Christian spirituality and virtue can be lived out in any community settings – monastic or familial.
Management insights that have endured for fifteen centuries! Fifteen centuries ago, a young monk named Benedict founded the basic monastic system of the Christian world – a spiritual and economic organization that thrives to this very day. In his concise work, now known as The Rule, Benedict presented his leadership secrets and managerial insights. Outlining practices and strategies for organizational discipline, leadership style, sources of innovation, and managerial ethics, it provided the first complete management system of the Western world. The Benedictine Rule of Leadership presents these principles in a fresh and original way that is applicable to any manager or organization today. Chapters include: The Rule of Managerial Improvisation The Rule of Careful Counsel The Rule of Merit and Seniority The Rule of Innovation The Rule of Leading by Example Unlike other management philosophies that are outdated or passe before they hit the shelf, The Benedictine Rule of Leadership presents a model of management that stands the test of time.
Since its hardcover publication in 1997, If Aristotle Ran General Motors has been one of the year’s most talked about books, not only in the United States but around the world, where it has been translated into many languages. Author Tom Morris has emerged as one of America’s most popular motivational speakers, bringing his inspirational message of ancient wisdom in modern business to thousands of employees at major companies like AT&T and Merrill Lynch. In 1998 Morris will give more than 100 keynote speeches at corporate seminars to further establish If Aristotle Ran General Motors as a must-read for anyone doing business today.
Father of modern management, social commentator, and preeminent business philosopher, Peter F. Drucker analyzed economics and society for more than sixty years. Now for readers everywhere who are concerned with the ways that management practices and principles affect the performance of organizations, individuals, and society, there is The Essential Drucker—an invaluable compilation of essential materials from the works of a management legend.
Containing twenty-six core selections, The Essential Drucker covers the basic principles and concerns of management and its problems, challenges, and opportunities, giving managers, executives, and professionals the tools to perform the tasks that the economy and society of tomorrow will demand of them.